Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sun Fire Salsa

I love homemade salsa.  HOT homemade salsa.  The first several times I made this salsa, it was a series of trial and error.  I just threw things into the pan until I finally got something I like.  I still may make some changes but for now, this is the recipe:

- 30 peeled tomatoes

Peel by putting in bowling water for a minute, then an ice bath for a minute.

Once peeled, squish by hand in a large pan - seeds, juice, and all.  I like to do this by hand because I feel like the tomatoes break down better.  If you want an even more broken down tomato base, get your hand mixer and mix for a few minutes on medium/low.

Put pan on stove on medium heat. 

- 3 grilling peppers 
- 10 hot banana peppers
- 25 jalapeno peppers
-3 Caribbean red habanero peppers
- 2 chili peppers
Use the chop option on your food processor to nice little chunks

Add the pepper mix to your tomatoes. 
Add 4 teaspoons of salt.

-10 sage leaves cut finely.

I start by washing, then cut out the stems.  Once I have strips I finely chop.  Add to the pan.

Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally.  
I don't have a set time that I cook the salsa mix, just until I feel the flavors are spread nicely throughout the mix.

Spoon into jars (these should be sanitized.  Also boil the jars before spooning in the hot salsa mix to help avoid breaking)
Add canning lids, put in boiling water bath for 15 minutes.
Once out of boiling water, tighten lids.
This makes about 7 pints with just a bit left over to enjoy immediately.
Once open, keep refrigerated.

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