Sunday, July 19, 2015

Green Bean Canning

I absolutely love to grow green beans every year in my garden.  Watching them sprout up, grow and flower.  Seeing the tiny green beans turn into large green beans.  It is wonderful.  My favorite part, though, is the harvest.  

Each time I pick, I can the green beans.  I usually get 4 or 5 good picks from my plants so that's lots of canning opportunity.  

First thing to do is make sure you have the right supplies.
You will need sterilized canning jars, rings, and lids.

I prefer to mostly use pint jars, but I do also use a few quart jars.  A pint jar is enough for a side of green beans for my family.  You decide if you think quarts would be better.  You can also do all pint jars and just use two when you need more green beans.

Next, pick the green beans.

Wash them.

Then snap the ends off and snap them into smaller pieces.  

Add the green beans to your jars up to the top of the jar but not into the area that will be covered by the ring.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to pint jars, 1 teaspoon to quart jars.  The salt acts as a preservative.

Fill the jars with water to just over the top of the beans but leaving space at the top.

Wipe the rim off with a towel to remove any water or salt. 

Add the lid.

Add the ring and finger tighten.

Place your jars in your canning pan.  Fill with water making sure the water is an inch or so above the top of the jars.  Don't go much deeper or it will take forever for your water to boil.

Boil jars for about twenty minutes.

Once the time boiling is up, remove your jars from the water and quickly tighten the lids.  Set them on a towel or other heat resistant surface until they cool.  As the jars seal, you will hear a pop from the lid.

Once they are cool, about 24 hours later, write the date on the lid and store for later use.

Canned green beans.

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